WSAVA – APMVEAC Outreach Program
Crisis Management & Disaster Preparedness in Companion Animal Medicine
“How to be prepared. How to organize. How to deliver.”

Date: 26th September 2023
Time: 8:30 – 12:30 CET
Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre
(4 min walk from the Congress Venue)
And Online via a Live Stream
Registration: Free and Required

Photo Credit: Red de Veterinarios en Catástrofes – Argentina
Preparing for and delivering care to companion animals caught up in natural disasters, such as wildfires and floods, as well as in conflict situations, is the topic under discussion at this year’s WSAVA Outreach Program.
Organized by the Local Host Committee of APMVEAC, and featuring global experts including Dr. Ivan Zakharenkov of the Galaxy Vets Foundation and Dr. Danny Holmes from FECAVA, the session will use case-based scenarios and practical field experience to identify key bullet points in this area and highlight best practices and existing resources in order to help working groups and committees within WSAVA, FECAVA, FIAVAC, and FASAVA create specialized “Crisis and Disaster Management in Companion Animal Medicine” Guidelines & Toolkits in different languages that veterinary associations, clinics, and teams can use in their country or region.
Speakers will also explore team selection, planning, and the type of training required to ensure maximum effectiveness, including collaboration with other emergency services, such as firefighters and NGO organizations.

Outreach Program Timetable:
8:30 – 8:45 – Welcome APMVEAC
8:45 – 09:30 – The Role of Veterinary Organizations in a Crisis. From Conception to Execution – Dr Danny Holmes – FECAVA
9:30 – 10:15 – Improving Access to Care Through Telehealth During a Disaster – Dr Ivan Zakharenkov – Galaxy Vets Foundation
10:15 – 10:35 – Break
10:35 – 12:30 – Round Table Discussion – Speakers + WSAVA + FECAVA + FIAVAC, USAVA, PSLWMZ and APMVEAC Board Members + Guests
Event Moderator: Dr. Patrícia Branco (APMVEAC / LHC)

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to build your knowledge in crisis management and disaster readiness, and secure your FREE spot today, by following the buttons below.